I make the web
and pretty

Hello there! I'm Max Antonucci, a full-stack engineer that codes with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ember, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and many more. My specialties include web accessibility and design systems, and I love when I have the opportunity to work in the civic tech sphere.

This site is a redesign in progress. Please bear with me as I move over ten years of content around.


If you want to learn more about what I can do, check out some of the projects I've worked on below!

The Searchable Museum

My first project with AgileSix was helping build and refine the digital museum for the National Museum of African American History and Culture. I built an in-depth, interactive exhibit component, refactored the main navigation, and brought the site closer to Web Content and Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 compliance by documenting and fixing accessibility bugs.

VA Facility Pages

I helped implement new VA Design System components, updated webpages with new content that was responsive and accessible, and built out the VA/Tricare system of pages to ensure veterans can find needed facilities and health care.

SeeClickFix Portal

The Request Portal is how citizens can use SeeClickFix to send requests to their local governments, track their progress, explore others on a map, and comment or follow others. I made the style guide and design system that the front-end was built on from scratch and integrated it into front-end and back-end platforms. I also ensured it was compliant with WCAG 2.1 standards.

Our Wedding

When my wedding was being planned, we needed a website, and I was proud to make it myself. We needed it fast, so I used my custom Jekyll template and my Atomic Sass stylesheet. It also made use of responsive embedded maps, image galleries with lazy loading, a vertical timeline of events, and an animated countdown timer built with React, while keeping it accessible for all the guests. The amazing design was courtesy of my new wife ♡.

Want to get in touch?

You can find me on LinkedIn, Github, CodePen, or reach out to me directly.